Friday, December 26, 2008

Primera semana

Se me olvido mencionar que no tendria tiempo suficiente para continuar escribiendo y tendria que continuar en otras entradas futuras. Tambien se me olvido mencionar que el domingo probe persimonios turcos, mors (jugo de arandano rojo hervido) y pancakes de pollo y hongos que me recuerdan mas a crepas.

Lunes 15

Al fin empiezo a adaptarme al horario local y empiezo a sufrir los efectos del tiempo reducido de luz solar durante el invierno, el Sol (cuando se deja ver) es apenas un pequeño punto que hace un breve arco en el sur que empieza despues de las 9 y termina alrededor de las 4 (tambien debemos recordar que en estos dias fue el solsticio de invierno lo que no ayuda a saber la hora exacta). Esta es una foto del Sol a mediodia:

El sistema de transporte publico de Tver, donde se acostumbra a montarse al vehiculo, este arranca y luego las personas buscan su dinero y durante el viaje o justo antes bajarse pagan su pasaje, esta compuesto de la siguiente manera:

-Autobuses normales
-Vans que funcionan como busetas
-Taxis (excepcion a la regla de pago anteriormente descrita)

Por primera vez pruebo la macarela ahumada la cual se siente muy grasosa para mi gusto y el glühwein que desafortunadamente es servido demasiado caliente para mi gusto a pesar de su buen sabor (tal como el te en este pais).

La busqueda del alaska termina en la noche con una nueva bufanda y guantes de doble forro.

Martes 16

Tuve la experiencia de asistir a una clase de español para rusos dada por un ecuatoriano que habla de tu y vosotros a sus alumnos, ¿eso es normal en ellos o solo por ser un profesor?

Ademas conoci a otros dos ecuatorianos que estaran 6 meses en Tver para mejorar su ruso, y uno de ellos planea luego estudiar robotica en Moscu, les deseo suerte… todo esto de las consonantes con o sin voz, el uso de las letras Ъ y Ь y finalmente, las vocales que no se leen como se escriben hacen que sea complicado.

Miercoles 17

Una pequeña invasion rusa en el apartamento con la llegada de visitantes locales, asi que tuve mi primera experiencia con la reposteria arabe. Por cierto, al parecer no existen panaderias como en mi pais; el pan y la reposteria se compra en los supermercados, cafeterias y kioscos ya empacada, pero sigo sin saber donde la preparan y hornean.

Jueves 16

Para preparar las cosas para el viaje Rzhev fuimos a la estacion de autobuses a comprar los tiquetes, me gusta mucho tener la posibilidad de comprar tiquetes de autobus con tanta anticipacion.

En la noche probe doner kebabs (que curiosamente tienen nombres distintos en algunas regiones de Rusia) que fueron muy similares a los burritos antes de volver a caer de paracaidista en clases de español.

Viernes 17

Tuve mi primera experiencia cocinando comida rusa: pelmeni. La verdad no me quedaron tan mal y ya los habia probado anteriormente tanto en Costa Rica como en Rusia.

En la noche visitamos el Monumento a la Victoria (obeliscos) y la Flama Eterna de Tver, estos son comunes en las ciudades debido a la importancia e impacto que tuvo la Segunda Guerra para esta parte del mundo que nosotros ni siquiera consideramos (por ejemplo el 9 de mayo es uno de los feriados mas importantes del pais en conmemoracion del final de la Guerra para este pais).

Lanzando una moneda a la Llama Eterna para la buena suerte:

Luego continuo con mis viajes fuera de Tver...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Feliz Navidad

(Mis disculpas por la falta de tildes)

Luego de estar sin internet hasta ahora que estoy en Moscu, al fin puedo actualizar. Han pasado tantas cosas que lo mejor sera hacer un recuento diario:

Sabado 13

Al fin llegue a Rusia al Aeropuerto Domodedovo de Moscu. La primera impresion de estar otra vez a una temperature bajo cero no fue tan desgarradora como pensaba en un principio. Los primeros descubrimientos acerca de las leves diferencias culturales, sociales y comerciales me las lleve viendo los carros y anuncios en el camino y nuestra parada a desayunar… el azucar en cubitos (que me gusta montones) y arenque crudo en un abrigo de piel!

Tver es una ciudad mediana (para el estandar ruso) bastante agradable. Del apartamento me sorprendieron las dobles puertas (comunes en todas partes para aislar el frio), la forma tan simple y a la vez practica de acomodar las cosas en un espacio reducido (para mi estandar) y la forma de las llaves (como de peliculas de vaqueros).

Domingo 14

El mito de que los rusos son hombres altos y gruesos sigue siendo eso, un mito. Aun aqui es dificil encontrar ropa de mi tamano… La busqueda por un alaska apropiado para el frio ruso empieza…

Como parte de la lucha contra el frio no salgo a la calle sin mi gorro, bufanda, camisa, sueter (que no es un verdadero sueter segun el estandar local), abrigo, ropa interior termica, pantalones y burros equipados con una plantilla especial para no enfriarme los pies. Todavia no hace suficiente frio como para estrenar mis nuevas medias de pelo de cabra :(.

Vi mi primera Plaza Lenin (presentes en todas las ciudades; si el plan sigue igual, lo vere en persona este viernes) y conoci el Rio Volga que todavia no se habia congelado completamente por el calentamiento global.

El espiritu del Año Nuevo ya esta en el aire con los Abetos de Año Nuevo y decoraciones del Abuelo Frio y su nieta Snegurochka.

PS. En los TODOS los comercios se acostumbra tener un platito para depositar el pago y donde te ponen el cambio y la factura que SIEMPRE se utiliza para ese fin, sin importar cuanto mas facil (y natural) es dar y tomarlo directamente de la mano.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Como siempre, no hay que confiar en nadie.

Si un funcionario del ICE le cambia a uno la tarjeta SIM y uno le pregunta específicamente si eso afectaría el PIN del celular y él dice que no, la respuesta es que .

Así que de nada me han servido los US$150 que pagué para activar el roaming...

(Hasta el momento.)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Iberia rules

Saludos en vivo y en directo desde el Hotel Irazu, donde debo pasar un tiempo ya que Iberia, siguiendo los altos estandares de calidad que siempre la han caracterizado, tiene mi vuelo atrasado 6 horas, asi que nos mandaron para aca a cenar y disfrutar de habitaciones.

Claro, seria bueno si les hubiesen dicho a los del hotel cuando se supone que nos vamos... ya que ellos nos dicen una hora, pero en el aeropuerto nos dieron otra...

No amamos todos a Iberia?

PS. Disculpen la falta de tildes y links, el internet del hotel apesta.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Almost there

Tomorrow I'll be leaving for my x-mas vacation trip to Russia, so that means there might not be new entries for a few days, and that I'll start writing in Spanish again for my family and friends to know the things that happen on the trip.

Hope everything turns out all right.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Matsuri 2008

I won't be in the country this year, but at least they changed the place where it's going to be (I hope for the better), and considering all the critics and demonstrations that making these kind of events isn't such a hassle as they want people to think.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Marvel Superheroes

No matter the age, this is so awesome you won't even need to kidnap a nephew to use him as a excuse to go.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Murphy's law

Why is it that whenever I'm in the bank, carrying stuff, in a loud area and similar places must people always call me?

Monday, December 01, 2008

it seems I support Palestine...

This weekend I casually found out that my scarf (received as a present from a Yemen classmate) is part of a keffiyeh and is interpreted as a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinan side of the conflict...

So, now I gotta be careful where I wear it...

Friday, November 28, 2008

My office desk

On it's usual chaotic level:

A prophetic vision of a Saint Basil's Cathedral invaded by flying dinosaurs:

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Yesterday I found Richard A. Knaak's The Demon Soul in a left-overs from Spain bookstore.

It's nice to find a jewel like that and surprise yourself, but at the same time it's horrible to have book series in pieces because they never make sure to bring them, just whatever is left.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Renewing my ID

Today I went to the Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones to renew my ID card (just an example of how it's like):

I'm a bit surprised at how simple and fast it was to get my data taken, but at the same time, a bit disappointed it takes a whole week to get my new one.

Monday, November 24, 2008


As of late internet has been VERY slow.

The only important news I can leave is to remember the telephone number change for the UCR, phones that used to be 2202-XXXX and 2207-XXXX are now 2511-XXXX.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Need good movies

Just remembered how wonderful japanese horror movies are...

Gotta make a marathon one of these days...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


If you manage to understand this, you don't need spanish classes:

1. Es de mariconazo vivir en Escazu, Santana, Rormhoser, Lomas de Ayarco o cualquier barrio de moda. El macho dominante vive en barrios bajos como la Carpio, León Trece, Los Cuadros, Cartago, donde el peligro acecha y los policias no existen. O en Guana donde el solo hecho de rajarse un grito significa comprar un pleito a la salida de la cantina.

2. Es de muy guineo coger y andar sólo con güilas bonitas. El verdadero Samurai Culeador carnívoro y con amplio criterio se coge todo lo que camina sin arrugar la jacha.

3. Es de putito chupa pinga lloriquear porque el agua sale fría. Un verdadero Pura Sangre se tira un valde de agua de hielera a las 5 de la mañana y listo.

4. Es de maricón barato y pecho afeitado resetear la PC usando CTRL + ALT + DEL. Un verdadero macho vikingo desenchufa el computador y lo vuelve a enchufar.

5. Es de mariquita muerde almohadas tomar café descafeinado. El macho pelo en pecho tipo Walker Ranger de Texas toma café bien negro, amargo y sin azúcar (mucho menos con crema, eso ya es de baby nena en celo).

6. Es de recontra mariposón declarada no sentirse atraído por la amiga buenota de su novia. El verdadero Hard Stone Cold Terminator, Undertaker buscará la oportunidad para tirarsela sin andar contemplando tanto.

7. Es de caimán sin dientes (sólo se defiende con la cola) levantar la mano para preguntar en clase. El verdadero Rambo de las aulas hace callar a los nerds y pregunta sin pedir permiso, eso si esta despierto en clase.

8. Es de ordeñador bucal de miembros viriles masculinos anónimos tomarse en serio las multas de los putas tráficos en la carretera a la playa. El verdadero Mio Cid va despichado y cuando pasa al frente les pita mentandoles la madre.

9. Es propio de persona con el esfinter dilatado bajar la cuchilla para cambiar un bombillo. Todo macho de cresta cabellera debe estar preparado para recibir una descarga eléctrica (y es de recontra platanazos morirse si eso pasa).

10. Es de perrita chihuahua en celo ponerse repelente de insectos para las picaduras de mosquito. El verdadero Zidane cabeceador se rasca hasta dejarse una herida porque el dolor para él no existe.

11. Es de triste florecita gay resentida conseguir ciudadanía de un país extranjero por muy ciudadania gringa de mierda que sea. El tercermundista nato, hijo de un Cacique, trabaja de ilegal y jamás pide ciudadanía extranjera. Y si se la llegan a dar les dice que se la metan por el culo.

12. Es de maricon, pero muy maricon, nalgas abiertas ir con el jefe a cuanta reunión lo inviten. El verdadero Juan Santa María lo mira a los ojos y lo manda a la mierda.

13. Es de playito que hace gárgaras con leche y corn flakes o chococrispi salir con amigos a comer sushi. El verdadero macho Costarricense raja güilas se va a cualquier Muerta de Hambre cercana y come cualquier empanada, papas o hamburguesa hasta la mierda de manteca requemada y chile barato le sirvan y sin lavarse las manos.

PS. Can you answer this survey for a friend? Thanks.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Herbario Nacional de Costa Rica

Just wanted to leave you the link so you can check it yourselves.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Go Team!

In his might wisdom, the jerk screwed decided to announce now about road blocks since sunday and a holiday on monday screwing people's calendars just so he can kiss some ass.

Couldn't he announce it a week ago?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ignore "In case of theft"

Now I got an email saying that the information of In case of theft is false, sorry for the inconvenience.

Tiny Adventures

Just a small game for Failbook.

At least it helps to understand a bit of how 4E works.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In case of theft

I don't know if it's true or not, but supposedly in case that you're being forced by a thief to take out money from a ATM you can dial your PIN backwards, which will enable the ATM to give you the money and warn the authorities that you're being forced to take your money out against your will to take immediate action.

Please tell this to your friends.

NEWS UPDATE: supposedly this information is false, sorry.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As time draws near, I gotta start thinking on what I want to see or I won't have time to see it all...

Monday, November 10, 2008

X-mas is upon us!

I had my first x-mas tamales!

Run for the malls!

May capitalism be upon us to get over the crisis!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Tricky numbers

364-162 might seem like a landslide victory, but the real result was (so far) 52.6%-46.2%, so don't let yourself be fooled, gringos still are stupid.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

2 sides of a story

We've all heard a version of the South Osetian conflict, now let's hear another version.

The good, the bad and the ugly

-Obama won.
-Hotmail got a Vista-ish look.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it.

I really miss Halloween, here in my country some people and bars organize parties, but that's not my style. I miss trick-or-treating... badly...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

No more please

I don't mean to sound racist, but if I ever have to hear a Mexican speaker again, I think I'll go postal.

Seriously, as of late they have developed a presentation style of 10-year-old kids who just stand up and read from PowerPoint. Whenever a student of mine does that, it gets proper tongue lashing for it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Not doing your work

Some people never bother to do their work right...

Q: So, we all know that Yawgmoth is the big bad Thran at the heart of the Weatherlight Saga. We've seen his Will, his Edict, his Bargain, his Agenda and more... but we seem to be pretty short on the big guy himself! So I guess I'm asking... is Yawgmoth actually depicted on any cards?
–David, Mercer Island, WA, USA

A: From Monty Ashley, Magic Web Team:

Actually, he is. Wait, is Yawgmoth a "he"? Let's go with "it" is, just in case. I present you with a look at raw, unfiltered Yawgmoth:

Of course, that means that Yawgmoth also appears on the Seventh Edition version:

At first, I wasn't sure whether Yawgmoth Demon was the Yawgmoth, or maybe just "a demon of Yawgmoth". But here's the art description for the Ninth Edition version, which seems to settle the question pretty definitively:

Color: Black
Location: Phyrexia
Action: Show Yawgmoth, who is an enormous flying abomination of Phyrexian origin (a necro-tech setting). It should have two horns and wings, but the rest is up to you. Should be a horrifying flesh/metal hybrid.

So there you go! Note that this doesn't mean that Yawgmoth's full name is "Yawgmoth Demon". He's not related to Maxwell Demon, the on-stage persona of Brian Slade in Todd Haynes's glam rock movie Velvet Goldmine, is what I'm trying to say.

Was it too much to read the damned books and reply that he's on the background of Last stand, or that he's the "Hanna" of Jilt, or all the people in the stands of Phyrexian Arena?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Chondromalacia patellae

Just adding it to the list of diseases and problems I know I have.

Is MacGyver a superhero?

I'll agree with her.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Windows Who cares?

After the Windows Vista fiasco, Microsponge is now pushing Windows 7 asap.

I miss DOS... meanwhile I'll have to keep on using XP (did you know Windows originally wanted people to pay monthly suscription fees for using XP?).

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So? What if Obama has socialist or communist ideals? Who ever said there was something wrong with those systems?

If the lowest-class people were smart enough to read (if they did they wouldn't be low class in the first place), they'd see some socialist and communist politics would be good for them.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I want a Black Raptor

So, you can help me by signing up to Perfect World, following this link.

If I make it, I'll put a picture of my happy avatar on it :p

Festival Kawaii 2008

Good luck to the organizers in their efforts to do something nice and enjoyable.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mitos y Leyendas

I just discovered this TCG.

Eager to see it for myself.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Biker Mice from Mars

I remember I liked the original show... no idea how good or bad this sequel is...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Deadly Dozen

See the list, and take the necessary precautions.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Two VERY nice images:

The real entry for today is still on writing.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sketchathon 2 results

The results are up, and every piece is wonderful. Congrats to ALL the winners for such wonderul ideas, and MANY thanks to Pete for doing this.

I'm also very happy too to say that one of my ideas won:

<@Pete_Venters> Clue: Bookworm
well it's none of my stuff :(
nico bolas?
Baby Nicol?
<@IoBG> Nicol isn't evil, he just has a bad temper.
<@Pete_Venters> Clue: BookwUrm
nico reading an evil genius book
as a baby
* Pdr_br ( has joined #TCG_Chat
<@Pete_Venters> Clue: QF2
* ithystpete ( has joined #TCG_Chat
<@Pete_Venters> Winner #13: Japoniano "Classic Nicol Bolas art, but as a baby. Instead of holding a book and reading in a throne, he's in a baby seat seeing a picture book, add a pacifier to his mouth and a diaper so it'll be obvious he's a baby."
That looks awesome
<@Pete_Venters> One of my favorite pieces. Drawn to match the pose on the original card. =1223764502
I knew it was the torsoo
you could put it in mtg kart double dash
he's so cute!
question - how big chances would have my "full map of Dominaria" suggestion, Pete? ^^^
Just like I pictured...
<@Pete_Venters> One day he will gwow up to be master of the universe. Yes he will!
Cochie Cochie coo
Heheheh. Cute.
who's the daddy?!
* Woozie810 ( has joined #TCG_Chat
he's probably his own father
Come on, who divided by zero? Own up.

Here it is in all it's glory:

I'm already looking for a frame for it :)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

And now you know

Copy/pasted from an email I got:

When you visit a public bathroom, you usually find a line of women, so you smile politely and take your place.  Once it's your turn , you check for feet under the stall doors. Every stall is occupied.
Finally, a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the stall.
You get in to find the door won't latch. It doesn't matter, the wait has been so long you are about to wet your pants!   The dispenser for the modern 'seat covers' (invented by someone's Mom, no doubt) is handy, but empty. You would hang your purse on the door hook, if there was one, but there isn't - so you carefully, but quickly drape it around your neck, (Mom would turn over in her grave if you put it on the FLOOR! ), yank down your pants, and assume ' The Stance.'
In this position your aging, toneless thigh muscles begin to shake. You'd love to sit down, but you certainly hadn't taken time to wipe the seat or lay toilet paper on it, so you hold 'The Stance.'
To take your mind off your trembling thighs, you reach for what you discover to be the empty toilet paper dispenser.  In your mind, you can hear your mother's voice saying, 'Honey, if you had tried to clean the seat, you would have KNOWN there was no toilet paper!'
Your thighs shake more.
You remember the tiny tissue that you blew your nose on yesterday - the one that's still in your purse. (Oh yeah, the purse around your neck, that now, you have to hold up trying not to strangle yourself at the same time). That would have to do. You crumple it in the puffiest way possible.   It's still smaller than your thumbnail .
Someone pushes your door open because the latch doesn't work. The door hits your purse, which is hanging around your neck in front of your chest, and you and your purse topple backward against the tank of the toilet. 'Occupied!' you scream, as you reach for the door, dropping your precious, tiny, crumpled tissue in a puddle on the floor, lose your footing altogether, and slide down directly onto the TOILET SEAT. It is wet of course. You bolt up, knowing all too well that it's too late. Your bare bottom has made contact with every imaginable germ and life form on the uncovered seat because YOU never laid down toilet paper - not that there was any, even if you had taken time to try.   You know that your mother would be utterly appalled if she knew, because, you're certain her bare bottom never touched a public toilet seat because, frankly, dear, 'You just don't KNOW what kind of diseases you could get.'
By this time, the automatic sensor on the back of the toilet is so confused that it flushes, propelling a stream of water like a fire hose against the inside of the bowl that sprays a fine mist of water that covers your butt and runs down your legs and into your shoes. The flush somehow sucks everything down with such force that you grab onto the empty toilet paper dispenser for fear of being dragged in too.
At this point, you give up. You're soaked by the spewing water and the wet toilet seat.  You're exhausted.  You try to wipe with a gum wrapper you found in your pocket and then slink out inconspicuously to the sinks.
You can't figure out how to operate the faucets with the automatic sensors, so you wipe your hands with spit and a dry paper towel and walk past the line of women still waiting.
You are no longer able to smile politely to them. A kind soul at the very end of the line points out a piece of toilet paper trailing from your shoe. (Where was that when you NEEDED it??)   You yank the paper from your shoe, plunk it in the woman's hand and tell her warmly, 'Here, you just might need this.'
As you exit, you spot your hubby, who has long since entered, used, and left the men's restroom. Annoyed, he asks, 'What took you so long, and why is your purse hanging around your neck?'
This is dedicated to women everywhere who deal with a public restrooms (rest??? you've GOT to be kidding!!). It finally explains to the men what really does take us so long. It also answers their other commonly asked questions about why women go to the restroom in pairs.   It's so the other gal can hold the door, hang onto your purse and hand you Kleenex under the door!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

It's hard to say goodbye

Not the prettiest one around there, but she shall be missed:

Since tomorrow I'll be at the congress I wrote about last week, so there might not be any entries these days.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Must read

If anyone's making a Christmas list for me, add this please: Vincent Bugliosi's The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder.

Just to keep them safe

Need to keep these links safe and not loose them later.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Keep it up

Not that I actually watch or care about it, but María José Castillo is still alive in the Latin American Idol thing, being now among the top two. I truly hope she manages to this appropriately for something.

I'm forced to know about this thing because of my co-workers, who have threatened to kidnap my cellphone and send votes from it. I've seen some videos of her performance and interviews, and I don't see anything spectacular there.

In other news, it was GNU's bday last week.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Alert to MtGSalvation users

THIS email is REAL:


Your passwords may have been compromised.

It was discovered by a user who passed the info on to staff. I suggest changing your pass as soon as possible.

If you have any issues with this, please email me at shaara_song@(nospam)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Why the Discomfort Over Free Trade

If that title had a question, the answer would be VERY simple (pardon the translation):


President of the Republic,
Minister of the Presidency

From: Kevin Casas, Fernando Sanchez

Date: July 29, 2007

Subject: Some urgent actions to trigger the YES campaign to NAFTA

Dear Oscar gift and Don Rodrigo:

After the long conversation on Friday, 27, after participating in a discussion on the FTA in San Isidro de Heredia, activity which was quite revealing, we have decided to bring this memorandum, which points out some actions that we think suitable to activate as soon as possible campaign in favor of NAFTA. Obviously, they are not the only ones that should be done, but we think are important.

1. Establish a committee strategy YES campaign

This is perhaps the most urgent of all. At the moment there is no clear guidance on what to do to win, how and with whom. But, even worse, there is no established mechanism to make such decisions. What you need, half is pure operational structure and pure response tactics, not strategy. That vacuum has been filled with decisions (or lack thereof) taken by the media group, which is clearly insufficient. It is essential that the President and Minister of the Presidency are part of that committee.

2. Building a social coalition in favor of NAFTA

Here transcribe what one of us wrote almost 3 years ago in a memorandum addressed to Marco Vinicio Ruiz: "The debate is not going to win the government nor employers are going to win, but it can win a coalition. One of the serious mistakes they have committed sectors favorable to NAFTA has been delegated his defense in the negotiators of the agreement, and generally in government. Even before the recent scandals that have undermined confidence in the political establishment, the levels of governance of the government were already very low and likely to confer legitimacy to a project as controversial. At this point nobody believes a word the government nor the politicians and thus would be crazy delegating the role of defending the treaty. Form a coalition and make the defense of NAFTA is a collective work is crucial not only to overcome the task of legitimacy, but to prevent the discussion acknowledged the same imbalance that was widely visible during the conflict in the "combo" in 2000 , When the organization of the opponents had no counterweight to the voice of the government. It is vital to demonstrate that in the discussion on the FTA, there are two large blocks of interest, and that means that the sectors that are interest-friendly nothing so intense and widespread as those of opponents, must be organized and articulated. This is essential if the discussion on the FTA does not run with the same sort of "combo". "

The importance of this point can not be ignored. The campaign on the FTA is becoming what they never should have left it to become: a struggle between rich and poor, and between people and government. The coalition that we have against is formidable: universities, churches, unions, environmental groups, and so on. And on the other side, in favor of NAFTA, only the government, and mean, the big businessmen. So there is no way to win. It is urgent to put into the campaign, at least for small employers, Solidarist and to what might be cooperative. And when we get into the campaign is simply that "appear" across the side faces of some of their leaders. Obviously, if these leaders can also effectively control some of these social movements, since so much the better. True, in solidarity, in particular, there is no strong national leadership. If so will have to create them now. We have to give it a presence in some ways faces of the same solidarity and this will become leaders. Who was Eugenio Trejos in the country 6 months ago? It is the exposure in the media that it has become a national leader.

3. Managing a recess in the Legislature

The campaign needs, urgently, presence in all communities in the country. Issuing a recess in the Assembly is key to getting our Members, which are more than the opposition and did not find any limitation to campaign-to communities, to organize the campaign "to walk". It is obvious that this can have some cost to the advance of the legislative agenda, but at the moment this is a problem of third order. The first thing is obviously to win the referendum. In any case, this time in the legislative agenda is not walk due to lack of quorum. That leaves us in the worst of all worlds: the press makes to PLN responsible for the failure of a quorum, while the opposition (and even many of our "allies") is not seen as responsible and go campaign finances. Moreover, the continuation of negotiations in legislative seat exposes us to constant blackmail from our "allies" of legislation, ending featured in the campaign of another.

4. Formalize an alliance with the mayors of municipalities, particularly those of PLN

This is crucial and for similar reasons as above: we need presence throughout the country. There is a letter signed by 72 mayors who is not at all negligible. In it, offering his support for the FTA, asking, is entirely as expected, some things in return. The contents of the letter has elements disposable, others entirely negotiable and others frankly positive for the government (for example, that offer explicit support for tax reform). It is vital to adequately respond to that letter, responding quickly and respond in a large public event.
But you have to do more, particularly with the 59 mayors of the PLN. We have to make them responsible for the campaign in each canton and pass, with all crudeness, a very simple idea: that the mayor does not win his canton on Oct. 7 will not receive a five government in the coming 3 years. The same reasoning can be applied to the aldermen, who may be responsible for specific districts. In the latter case we must remind them of their personal aspirations: to win the referendum depends on having real possibilities for aldermen remain or become mayors or deputies. This is not just because the performance of the PLN in the next election will be greatly affected by the outcome of the referendum, but because this election is going to help that the higher authorities of the PLN calibrated wooden leader who has and who does not. Many local leaders are not getting in the campaign to not "burn" before the next election. The reasoning has to be exactly the opposite: the failure to get a full, it will "burn".

What is at the basis of this is a matter of deep and important: it is urgent to expand the circle of people who are "playing hide 'in this referendum. At the moment there among our allies, within and outside the PLN-a general attitude of indolence, as if they think that the only one affected by a defeat would be the president. It is vital that they understand that they are going to come out directly and seriously harmed.

5. PLN to formalize

To build the social coalition said before we left, unfortunately, very short time. What we have in the Hand is something far less drinking, but useful: a political coalition. And that means putting squarely to PLN, which is by far the most important player in that coalition. With the exception of the fraction of legislation, until now the role of the organs of the PLN in support of NAFTA has been too restrained. Not a single official of the PLN in favor of NAFTA, nor a clear direction toward the party structure. That has created great confusion in the leadership, which is well aware, moreover, that there is a part of the party that is against the FTA. The formal structure of the PLN (Directors, Executive Committee) has to come out unequivocally speaking in defense of NAFTA, on the understanding that one of the biggest winners or losers in the referendum will be the PLN.

6. Structuring and launch massive campaign in media

Beyond what can be done in communities and businesses, is so little time that remains, that we should not be any decency in saturating the media with advertising. And precisely because of the short time, it is imperative to conduct the campaign in two directions:

1) to derail the notion that this is a struggle of rich against poor. This requires very well choose the faces of the mass communication and use it almost exclusively workers and small businessmen.

We also need a lot subirle the decibels and the presence of media and discursive to the government's social agenda.

2) Stimulate fear. That fear is four types:

I. Fear in the loss of employment. Here it seems highly recommended intensive use testimonials from people very easily and in a precarious situation, which may lose jobs or have already lost as a result of non-approval of NAFTA. This also is vital to reinforce the idea that this is not a struggle of rich against poor. Similarly, it is possible that in specific regions have a great impact visibility specific cases of companies that have delayed investments, which have cut shifts or who are considering leaving the country for non-approval of NAFTA.

II. Fear of attack on democratic institutions. YES is crucial in making the equivalent to democracy and the institutions (that is what it said Eduardo Ulibarri, we must go to the filling of a YES values and the content of NO in the equivalent of violence and disloyalty to democracy) Here's something very important: this campaign already ceased to be rational and, consequently, on the contents of the FTA. Thus, the defense of democracy is the only recourse we have left to mobilize the emotion of the people who are in favor of NAFTA. At this time the people who are in favor not only has no motivation whatsoever, but who feel intimidated by the motivation that shows the people of NO. We must understand one thing: no one is willing to "die" by free trade, but maybe yes for democracy. We have to give a motivational ethics and not only instrumental to it.

III. Fear of foreign interference in the NO. We have to scrub all around the connection of NO with Fidel, Chavez and Ortega, in fairly strident terms. It is possible that this type of campaign may inconvenience to some people, but it is almost certain that can have significant impact to people simpler, which is where we have the most serious problems.

IV. Fear of the effect of a triumph of NO on the government. All surveys detected a significant degree of satisfaction with the President and the Government. Many people simply did not make the connection that a triumph of NO in the referendum, would leave the government in a precarious position, with totally reduced their effectiveness, and the country in a situation of ungovernability. This connection must be induce. This is an argument that can only work for certain sectors, but it can be very effective to sow doubt. There are three questions that we must planted in the minds of the people, that can make them tiemble fingers are considering whether to vote for the NO:

l. Are they willing to jeopardize economic stability, which almost everybody recognizes as an achievement of the government?

2. Are they prepared to return to the days of Abel, if not ruled anybody, there was no sense of direction and not anything happening in the country?

3. Have you thought about who is going to send in the country if he wins the NO? (Answer induced to the question: will send Albino, Merino, Carazo, etc.).

It is also very important to strengthen the presence on the radio (both national and local) and in rural tracts, where we have major problems. Put into operation batteries in all programs of opinion and improve the publicity of government in a series of radio programs led by people who had every disposition to help the government (eg Javier Rojas, Jaime Pena, etc.).. If the presence of each other on radio does not improve dramatically, this will manifest itself in our weakness in the rural areas. It is quite possible that the problems we have in rural areas have less to do with the merits of the campaign (items unattended or poorly served by this) and more with the way people are reported in rural areas, where the radio is a very powerful medium.

7. Generate large amount of printed documentation on the FTA and on the opposition, suitable for distributed

A serious problem that we have those who are doing proselytizing in favor of the FTA is the total absence of documentation for easy digestion, which can move en masse. As is known, this is a point that has not developed particularly well. At this time the country had wallpaper with ruffles. The documentation must be done is threefold:

1) to clarify the language very simple, some of the most insidious arguments against the FTA (medicine, water, cell phones, etc.).. As part of this, it's very important that some key institutions (eg ICE, CCSS, y, MTSS) generated flyers officially respond in very blunt terms that the flyers are being distributed in their same facilities by the unions of the institutions. This is information leaflets, which can not in any way, ask for support for the FTA (that due to the resolution of the TSE).

2) explaining the effects of a rejection of the FTA on sectors or specific aspects (eg slides of the presentation that uses Jorge Woodbridge);

3) to sow tares on the leaders, motives, methods, financing and international linkages of NO.

8. Organize a systematic program of visits to companies by senior government officials

At this time, the area of proselytizing easier to exploit and that gives us the best chance is by far the business. There's more than one million workers. We need a systematic effort to organize visits to the country's largest companies, with talks in favor of YES given by senior people and with documentation in hand. Any efforts to proselytize is potentially as effective as this. Ideally, this includes five steps:

1) Provide information on what and where are the larger firms;

2) That the bell contact employers to grant a space to chat;

3) That the company immediately sent a letter to the Ministry of Planning requesting that the government will send a representative to talk about the national development plan or vision of the future of the country or something like that (that to cover the backs of the face TSE);

4) Build a program of visits to companies for at least 30 heads of government;

5) The chief visited the company (in some cases accompanied by the deputy of the area) and leaves documentation.

If 30 officers visited 10 companies per week, it will be possible to cover almost 2500 companies in the next 8 weeks. We must give emphasis to the larger and targeted for export. What is important, however, is to ensure that the heads of government and the deputies not to drive platform with the President. This is an unjustifiable waste of time and effort.

9. Organize a massive act of force to give motivation to Campaign

There is great motivation among those who are in favor of NAFTA, disoriented by the absence of a bell, and in many cases, fear of expressing opinions. We have to motivate supporters of the YES, make them feel that the campaign is doing things that are not alone, that we are many. It is advisable to arrange a public event or a massive festival (it could be a march, but there almost always have problems). But people have to be accompanied and motivated.

V Congreso Internacional Innovación, Tecnología y Desarrollo Regional

Official website.

See you there.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Classic smoking

The jerks have no shame!

The tobacco companies hired stars to smoke in movies

In other news, world economic crisis most people don't understand (and won't actually affect them directly on the short term) keeps on. Yawn. Poor rich men who have to make their stock agents work more.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Many news

Jet Man VS Raging Raven

US$700 billion for the rich

The Rich Are Staging a Coup This Morning


Too lazy to translate this now...

Seas lesbiana, gay, bisexual, heterosexual o no, deberías darle "repost" a esto... En señal de apoyo a tus amigos, amigas y seres queridos que sí lo son. El amor no se
define por color, credo, decisión sexual, ni género.

Soy la madre que no se le permite visitar a los hijos que dio a luz, cuidó y crió. La corte dice que no cumplo los requisitos de una madre porque ahora vivo con otra mujer.

Soy el muchacho que nunca terminó high school porque todos los días me llamaban maricón.

Soy la muchacha que botaron de su casa porque le confesó a su mamá que era lesbiana.

Soy la prostituta trabajando en las calles porque nadie quiere contratar un transexual.

Soy la hermana que abraza fuertemente a su hermano gay durante largas noches de miedo y llanto.

Somos los padres que enterraron a su hija mucho antes de lo debido.

Soy el hombre que murió solo en el hospital porque no le permitieron a quien fue mi pareja durante 27 años acceso al cuarto.

Soy el niño huérfano que se despierta de pesadillas donde lo remueven del único hogar donde le han mostrado amor, simplemente porque tiene dos papás. Cómo desearía que me adoptaran. Yo no estoy entre los que han tenido suerte. Me suicidé solo
semanas antes de graduarme de high school. Ya no podía aguantar más.

Somos la pareja que el corredor dejó plantada cuando se enteró que queríamos
alquilar un cuarto para dos hombres.

Soy la persona que nunca sabe qué baño utilizar si quiere evitar ser reportado a la gerencia.

Soy la sobreviviente de violencia doméstica que se dio cuenta que el sistema de apoyo se tornó frío y distante cuando se enteraron que mi pareja abusiva era también una mujer.

Soy el sobreviviente de violencia doméstica que no tiene sistema de apoyo alguno al cual acudir debido a que soy un hombre.

Soy el padre que nunca ha abrazado a su hijo porque crecí con miedo a mostrarle afecto a otros hombres.

Soy la maestra de economía doméstica que siempre deseó ser maestra de deportes hasta que alguien le dijo que sólo lesbianas hacen eso.

Soy la mujer que murió cuando los paramédicos dejaron de tratarla al enterarse que era un transexual.

Soy la persona que se siente culpable porque pienso que podría ser una mejor persona si la sociedad no me aborreciera.

Soy el hombre que dejó de asistir a la iglesia, no porque dejé de creer, sino porque le cerraron las puertas a los de mi clase. ¿eso fue "DIOS ES AMOR"?

Soy la persona que tiene que ocultar y reservar para sí lo que este mundo más necesita: amor. Soy la joven que se avergüenza de confesarle a sus amigas que soy lesbiana, porque constantemente hacen bromas de ellas.

Soy el joven amarrado a una verja, golpeado brutalmente y abandonado a mi suerte porque dos hombres "machos" querían "darme una lección".

En octubre 7 de 1998, Aaron McKinney y Russell Henderson llevaron a Matthew Shepard a un área remota al este de Laramie, donde realizaron actos de odio inimaginables. Matthew fue amarrado a una verja, donde fue golpeado y abandonado al clima inmisericorde de una noche fría de otoño. Casi dieciocho horas más tarde fue encontrado por un ciclista, quien inicialmente lo confundió con un muñeco maltrecho. Matthew murió el 12 de octubre a las 12:53 AM en un hospital de Fort Collins, Colorado. ASESINADO POR SER GAY.

Religion freedom

No student is required to receive religious lessons, FINALLY!

Mobiles combat Kenyan polio outbreak

A mobile phone based health application has helped to investigate and contain a polio outbreak that threatened thousands in East Africa.

Why Some Men Have Dogs And Not Wives

1. The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.

2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.

3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.

4. A dog's parents never visit.

5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.

6. You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go 24 hours a day.

7. Dogs find you amusing when you're drunk.

8. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.

9. A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, "If I died, would you get another dog?"

10. If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in the paper and give them away.

11. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert.

12. If a dog smells another dog on you, they don't get mad. They just think it's interesting.

13. Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.

And last, but not least:

14. If a dog leaves, it won't take half of your stuff.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Inhaler alert

Everyone who uses a inhaler must check this out.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008


Just as promised:
You are an idiot who stayed five times in Calculus, I do not know why I lower myself to talk to you and if it were not that in this world everything is moved by levers you would not have a . Your girlfriend has the face of a innocent girl, and you have friends over the Internet. Never asked me a favor, soon I will be better than you because I am a good doctor and deserve after so many bad things. You will see that God will punish you.
And no, I will not pay you because I don't feel like it, and I do not respect you and I don't care what you think, if you want to sue me. I hate you I hope you die.
After telling her I wished her the best, and after all this time, I can only pity her:
Your height you mean because your ,because you're the most immature man I know, and you do not have to pity me, first because I'm going to be well because I have experience and I'm a good doctor, and second I have more pity for you and would change from being in your shoes not even crazy in a thousand years. You are an idiot and ugly with psychological problems. I pity you lots. May God forgive you because I would do you favors if I could, you're loosing the best friend you could have in your life and the most intelligent one. Fare well.
And what caused all this? I refused to lend her approximately US$30 to pay her cellphone...

4 types of CRcans

According to a market study, these are the four types of CRcans consumers out there.

Reading it, I'm supposed to be a hedonist, with a bit of idealist.

Pete Venter's Sketchathon 2

Anyone with fun ideas for card drawing can try out Pete Venter's Sketchathon 2 here.

I'm still thinking about my options and suggestions...

I'll definetly try: a MtG goofy one, a MtG serious one, and a random fantasy thing.

You can check last time's winners here. Although my favorite is this one:

Friday, September 19, 2008

I really had an interesting entry today...

...but since there was no internet lat night at my room to get the information I had prepared, I'll just leave you this link: Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System - Art in the Age of Intellectual Property.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

TeH KonspiяaCy!!1!1!!!1+1!!11elevencaps!1111!1!!!!

Not that you hadn't noticed it...

Ok, an english version...

Hippophobia (or Equinophobia)

In a very sensible and logical way, my uncle Luis confirmed yesterday why hippophobia is something VERY normal and logical. For those curious, he lost 2 fingers of his hand because one of those walking sausages.

With that, we keeps the family record of horse accidents every 10 years, but just to be sure I'd stay away from those charquis.

In other news, planesExplorer is really fun, even for non MtG players. Although it doesn't reflect real life...


When in doubt use fire and/or lightning, that always works in real life.

"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire." —Jaya Ballard, task mage

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, to celebrate our independence, the "president" went to Europe to beg for lower taxes in banana exports; and right after his baby crying, he'll go to USA to beg for more time for CAFTA.

Was it really a good idea to get independent anyways?

Friday, September 12, 2008

A little friendly advise

For those of you who travel to other countries...


The jerks there will open your suitcase, smash, tear, and dirty everything you had inside it, and if they don't have time to put everything inside before your plane leaves, they'll just keep it, and send it whenever they feel like it, making you go to the airport again.

So, with nothing else to say...


Oh wait, that just happened.

Something I wasn't made for

The first class of ballet was very interesting, starting from the fact that they spent 40 minutes of stretching exercises I'll never be able to do in my whole life.

Anyways, good luck to those who can manage it.

PS. The vegetarian restaurant Comida para sentir in San Pedro is still a horrible dump.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering the past

Do you remember this?

If not, get off my lawn kid!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Plot twist

Of all the things that have happened these days, including hurricanes, gringo elections (very funny every time they say they're the best democracy in the world), and stupid people doing... well... stupid things; but the thing that has surprised me most is the new class that will be given in the gym I attend to:


Let's see where this new plot twist leads to.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Childrens Day

Back in business, and enjoying what's left of Childrens Day.

So, happy day to you! :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gone fishing

I'll be on vacations starting tomorrow, and upto september 8th, so I don't know when I can write again.

The only thing that worries me is the new desks of the office that will be installed while I'm away...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My ears, they bleed!


How can we live in a world were induhviduals can put reggaecrap as their cellphone ring tone? Isn't there a law against it!?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Am I seeing things?

After watching the Olympics, one question repeats itself in my mind over and over again... are these real athletes? They look more like anorexians...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Yes, Sir!

And now you know what complex and brilliant minds run the military.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So many things these days

I'll try to be brief, or I'll never finish this entry:

Friday, and Saturday: went on a office field trip to the Alberto Manuel Brenes Biological Reservation.

Sunday: read that old habits are hard to surpass.

Monday: passed my driver's license practical test, and rented a new place to live in San Pedro.

Tuesday: got my driver's license, and finally wrote about these days.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Thank you Captain Obvious

Jeez, some people really love to tell you things you already know...

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Good news (FINALLY!)

As informed to me by Dalom, the good news is that radio stations of this "country" are finally seeing the light.

Monday, August 04, 2008

THIS is my kind of religion

Seriously, Catholicism sucks because sex is supposed to be a sort of taboo. Not anymore thanks to Ksawery Knotz.

You can know more here.

Thursday, July 31, 2008



They expect me to vote for someone of a tv show I don't watch just because she's from my same country.

If you'll excuse me, I got better things to do.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

207 criminals

Ok, if the official census found 207 guys living with girls below 15 years, what is the police waiting for to nab them?

Of course, their neighbors know who these people are, and even cases that weren't reported. Just remember you're as guilty as the jerks who rape kids if you don't denounce them.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008


If you can't buy it, try to copy it.

That seems to be Google's slogan. Their newest invention is Knol.

If you want to know how good or bad it is as a imitaion of Wikipedia, maybe we should compare their respective explanations about Knol:


Monday, July 21, 2008

Not *my* fault again

The PAHO says it, not me.

So don't blame me for going postal one of these days.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Need for speed

Seriously, they expect me to drive a car designed to travel at more than 100 km/h at barely 40 km/h? Jeez...

Anyways, here's a new FF13 trailer:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

BoaB strikes again

Just when you might have thought that BoaB couldn't get any worse, it actually happens.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Now you know

Next time, we'll see the effects of orange juice on a MtG card.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Not just random words

This is a message from a friend of mine (translated by me) to a guy who went to a party, and woke up the next day not even remembering how he got home, and a girl called him, and he didn't remember having even met her (miss translations abound):

I have more than 4 years here knowing you, and as it may sound illogic, and dumb, I have taken to like you, as to other CaSAurs.

Try to drink to have fun, not to play stupid in the streets, that can lead you to a high-risk sexual relationship you're not even going to remember, that can lead you to AIDS in less than 5 minutes.

Look, and this is for everyone else, that virus is real, I have it in my blood ever since 3 years ago, and only found out 1 ago.

I'm a slave for life of 3 medicines that are very expensive (Reyatz, Truvada y Norvir) all together, for a month the treatment costs around US$1200.

Not only the medicines, once a month I have to go to a medical check, they take 7 blood samples of me, that check:

Viral Charge: amount of AIDS copies per cm3 in my blood.
Lymphocyte CD4: something that fights off AIDS
Hepatic function: how the medicines affect my liver.
Resistance: how resistant the virus is to my medicines.
Phenotype: checking that the virus hasn't mutated, and is still stuck to T cells thru receptor CCR5, if not I gotta change my medicines.

These tests are worth US$900, so we're talking about US$2100 total per month.

This disease is not exclusive to homosexuals, it doesn't restrict sexual preference nor social classes.

Take care dude, everyone take care, this is something delicate, not a game.


By the way, my friend is the lucky ones who detected the disease in time, and since he's not a psycho sex lunatic, hasn't spread it to tons of people as some other people do.

Thankfully for him, his family and friends haven't dumped him because of the disease neither.

He's expected to be able to live a normal life for the next 20 years if he takes care, and keeps his medical checks in order.

This is no random ad, nor a e-mail chain. This is a real person I've known for years, and just like any person out there, someone I didn't expect to have this disease.

Seriously, everyone out there... take care... be safe...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Not only another year has passed, but today the finnish girl in our house left, and more government heads are going to roll, and will keep rolling.

Seriously, I have to congratulate the people who have domesticated us into accepting those kind of news and not running like madmen putting the corrupt government official's offices and homes to the torch.

I could have accepted if the money donated to help the homeless was used to pay a political person's family or friend's construction company to build houses for the homeless, but spending it on useless consultings? Seriously, they have no shame.

And the worst part is that they'll never give a cent back, nor spend a day in jail for real, right? Right? Right!?

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Since most of us never hear of the good things other people do in silence to help others, here's my good deed for today:


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Something in the mail again

So, my first issue of research*eu just arrived. A good read in your free time, and the best part is that they send it to you for free.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


A nice one for the kids out there:

I dare you to find any telephone number in this website that actually works.

How I fucking hate this piece of crap people call country.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Ups and downs

Now that the Wii's controller makes people do some exercise to play game, comes a knew slacker tool:

EPOC Emotiv

Not that I have an issue with the new technology that will finally take away the fear that loosing a hand would impair me to play videogames; and I hope that with proper adjustments it'll eventually help me realize my immortality theory of getting my brain preserved in a jar while playing WoW forever.

But, I'm sure some lazy mothers will complain that their kids grow fat because they only sit down and watch their screens while playing with their minds.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Lets see if I can finally remember my blood type.

So, according to the blood type mythology:

Type B
Best Traits: Wild, a doer, cheerful.
Worst Traits: Selfish, irresponsible, arrogant.

PS. It's group III in the russian system.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Instant Messengers are good for work

Here you have it.


Some scholars worry that Instant Messaging (IM), by virtue of the ease with which users can initiate and participate in online conversations, contributes to an increase in task interruption. Others argue that workers use IM strategically, employing it in ways that reduce interruption. This article examines the relationship between IM and interruption, using data collected via a (U.S.) national telephone survey of full-time workers who regularly use computers (N=912). Analysis of these data indicates that IM use has no influence on overall levels of work communication. However, people who utilize IM at work report being interrupted less frequently than non-users, and they engage in more frequent computer-mediated communication than non-users, including both work-related and personal communication. These results are consistent with claims that employees use IM in ways that help them to manage interruption, such as quickly obtaining task-relevant information and negotiating conversational availability.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a IM conversation to do.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Top20 MtG Flavor texts

Not that I agree with the guy, but the fact that he speaks like a castillan is more fun.

¡La hostia, joder tío!