Thursday, May 29, 2008

To all Hulkamaniacs

I admit that I was a Hulkamaniac... once but now, after hearing him reducing the atrocities (see at your own risk) his own son has done, and just shoving it aside, and thinking on making it into another crappy reality tv show, like if nothing happened I can't take it anymore! And so should anyone else!

Screw you Hogan!

I'm not ever watching a program or event with the name Hogan in it (except Battlestar Galactica, people whose last name is Hogan should sue Mr. Bolea to stop bashing their last name). And of course, I'm not buying anything related to that name either.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Till Death do us apart

So, we're all young, healthy, living in a peaceful country, and for all purposes, practically immortal, right?


The previous picture is what was left of her.

Just like that we can also die (not putting on the seatbelt helps too).

Anyways, after the official death of the anti-blog too, here's your official guide to know I died:

-No new entries in a week (unless I've announced I'm on vacations or something)
-No new posts on CaSA, or TMT.
-And for she-who-I-cannot-mention-here-because-she-would-kill-me-if-I-do, if I don't sms you in 2 days.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Remembering the past

This almost made me cry years ago:

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dos anuncios


Cuando visitan baños, cuartos de hotel, probadores etc. ¿cuántas de ustedes están seguras de que lo que parece un espejo común y corriente, colgado en la pared, es realmente un verdadero espejo y no un espejo translúcido? (en un translúcido ellos te pueden ver, pero tu a ellos no).

Son ya varios casos sabidos de gente que está instalando espejos translúcidos en los probadores de ropa para mujeres, hoteles alojamientos, etc.

Es muy difícil identificar la Superficie, con simplemente mirarla. Así que; ¿cómo puedes determinar que tipo de espejo estás viendo? Sólo haz esta simple prueba:
Coloca la punta de tu uña contra la superficie reflejante; si observas un espacio entre tu uña y la imagen de tu uña, entonces es un espejo genuino. Ahora, si tu uña aparece tocando directamente su imagen reflejada, entonces ten cuidado porque es un espejo translúcido.

Así que recuerda, cada vez que entres a un probador, haz la prueba antes de desvestirte y que puedan mirarte o video filmarte.

NO cuesta nada, es fácil y puede evitar ser agredida visualmente; o lo que es peor, siendo video grabada y subida a Internet.

Realmente es bueno hacer esto. La razón por la que hay un espacio entre tu uña y la imagen reflejada en el espejo original, es porque el cromado está en la cara posterior del cristal del espejo. Cuando es un espejo translúcido, el acabado reflejante está en la superficie que toca la uña, por eso no se ve el espacio. Tenlo muy presente.

Mujeres: Compartan esto con sus amigas.

Hombres: Compartan esto con su esposa, hijas, amigas, familiares, novias o conocidas.

Esto tiene mas sentido que dejar de comprar gasolina por un día especifico, campaña que se llevo a cabo recientemente!

Esta bajo su consideración, Únase a la resistencia!!!!

Escuché que el galón de gasolina llegara a los $ 6.00 para el verano del próximo año y continuara subiendo!!!


Necesitamos hacer algo inteligente, ACCION UNIDA. Las compañías petroleras gozan cuando se enteran que dejaremos de comprar gasolina por un día. Es más que un inconveniente para nosotros que un problema para ellos.

PERO, quien dio origen a esta idea, ha dejado ver un plan que realmente puede funcionar.
Por favor lea el articulo completo y únase a nosotros!

Ahora que las compañías petroleras y los países miembros de la OPEC nos están condicionando a que pensemos que el galón de gasolina a $ 4.00 no es tan caro, es el momento que tomemos acciones agresivas para enseñarles que LOS COMPRADORES CONTROLAN EL MERCADO… NO LOS VENDEDORES.

Con los precios de gasolina subiendo cada semana, los consumidores debemos hacer algo.

La única forma en que veremos que los precios de gasolina disminuyan es golpeando a alguien en su bolsillo dejando de comprar su gasolina! y, podemos hacer eso sin estancar nuestra economía nacional o sin dañarnos nosotros mismos.


Debido a que necesitamos usar nuestros vehículos, no podemos dejar de comprar combustible.

Pero podemos impactar en los precios del mismo si actuamos juntos para forzar a una guerra de precios.

En resumen, aquí esta la idea: Por el resto de este año, NO COMPREMOS GASOLINA de ninguna de las dos compañías mas grandes, ESSO y Shell.

Si ellos no están vendiendo nada de combustible, se inclinaran a reducir sus precios, Si ellos reducen sus precios, las otras compañías se verán forzadas a seguirlos.

Pero para que realmente haya impacto, debemos alcanzar millones de consumidores de gasolinas Esso y Shell. Es realmente simple de hacer! ahora, se explica a continuación:

Si yo envío esta nota a 30 personas y cada uno a su vez envía al menos a 10 mas (30 x 10 = 300) .. y estos 300 envian al menos a otros 10 (300 x 10 = 3,000)... etc., cuando este mensaje alcance el sexto nivel de envíos, habremos alcanzado a mas de TRES MILLONES de consumidores.

Si esos tres millones consideran buena idea, y lo pasan a 10 amigos, entonces 30 millones de personas habrán sido contactadas!

De nuevo, SI ESTO TIENE SENTIDO PARA USTED, todo lo que tienes que hacer es reenviar esta nota a tus contactos o al menos a 10 de ellos. Eso es todo!

Sugiero que no compremos gasolina Esso y Shell por el resto del año y enviemos este correo tan pronto sea posible.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Geek Pride Day

Once again the movement gains more power, until someday, we might be able to actually buy good stuff locally, instead of paying absurd shipping prices.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

tlhIngan Hol (/ˈt͡ɬɪŋɑn xol/)

Since this blog has gotten very international, with entries in Spanish, English, and Russian words mixed, today let's explore the great wisdom of the tlhIngan:

I like these:

-Destroying an Empire to win a war is ghobe' victory. And ending a battle to save an Empire is ghobe' defeat.
-A leader is judged ghobe't by the length of his reign but by the decisions he makes.
-Great men do ghobe't seek power; it is thrust upon them.

If only certain mass-murderers were Trekkies...

PS. I was going to post this entry in Klingonaase, but there's no decent translator out there...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Random links

So many funny links I've seen these days...

-How to properly hug a baby
-Fearing Crime, Japanese Wear the Hiding Place
-Cops in action

Now I have to find what to put tomorrow...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chancho Parade

When a un-original politician decides to sign-up for something from another country because his/her partner or lover likes it, it's usually a bad idea. Whatever the reason was, the Costa Rican version of the CowParade IS a bad idea.

Not only did they shove it down our throats like there's no tomorrow, and ignoring real important cultural events (there was a Rembrandt exposition NO ONE EVER MENTIONED).

So, what do the real thinking masses do in response? Do something fun, original, and not shove it in other's throats: Chancho Parade.

Chancho means pig, but also piggy bank. So, instead of dull useless cow sculptures, they made great original designs for piggy banks. Behold real creativity, and originality:

Creatividad en Arquitectura: Chancho Parade

Chancho Parade en Arquis (UCR)

My favorites are the ones designed not to look like pigs, but as another animal.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So long, and thanks for all the veggies

Well, Finn finally left us to continue his trip. In his own words, he spent too much time here in CR, more than he expected, and now will continue to Panama, and if the chance comes, he'll take a random boat to Asia.

Seriously, it takes real balls to do a trip like that, not knowing the language, where you'll sleep, or where you'll earn your money; just grabbing your pack, and hitchhike.

I like this from another hitchhiker:


Never again, will I act without thinking of the consequences of my actions for the environment, and never again will I allow my government to ignore the challenges of preserving this planet. From the sight of deforestation in Honduras, Brazil or Indonesia to the sight of the glaciers melting in Antarctica or the great Canadian North, I realized during my journey to what extent human beings are in the process of destroying this beautiful planet. The English weekly "The Economist" recently wrote in one of its columns, "Will individual ignorance and selfishness lead to collective doom ?" That’s a question that I frequently ask myself today... Every one of us has a role to play to avoid this collective failure. To this end, one of the greatest priorities, which will at the same time help with other sensitive subjects, is the promotion of alternative energies.

Never again, will I complain about what I don’t have. This tour of the world allowed me to meet with people who have nothing (neither drinking water nor electricity, etc.) and who nonetheless kept smiling, offered me hospitality, and never complained about their lot in life. I will ensure that, from now on, I will never forget these people who brought me so much and helped me gain perspective on my personal problems.

Never again, will I forget the fabulous achievements of all the people working in the shadows (often on a voluntary basis) trying to make the world a better place. Before leaving, I didn’t even know what the words "NGO" meant. After visiting around a hundred of them, meeting formidable individuals trying the change the destiny of the underprivileged, I have but one single desire : Make my modest contribution to their efforts and encourage each one of you to do the same.

Never again, will I forget the luck I had to be born in France. Thank you, Papa, thank you, Mama. How many people have reminded me during these 5 years how lucky I am to have had access to a quality education, to have a passport which permits me to move freely throughout the world, and to have a strong currency which makes such a trip possible. I would like it if, in the not too far future, there could be some reciprocity in travel opportunities for the people of the world. It’s not the case today and I hope we will soon understand that lots of the world’s problems could be solved by fostering more equality between the different countries of the world.

Never again, will I judge anyone based simply on physical appearance, nationality, religious beliefs, or on stereotypes. If my tour of the world taught me one thing, it’s that we are all the same, regardless of the colour of our skin, our religion, our race, or the football team we support. Every one of the 6 and a half billion citizens of this world (or the vast majority anyway) share the same basic needs and desires. Every one of us is searching for happiness, security, love, the ability to have children, and the will to allow them to live the best future possible. Diversity is enriching, and we should all learn about each other.

Never again, will I let myself be brainwashed by sensationalism and bad reporting in the media. My recent stays in Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, or in Colombia, showed me to what point the perception I had of the inhabitants of these countries was totally biased on the insistence of the media that the activities of several national characters represented the majority of the population. It’s simply not true.

Never again, will I refuse to offer hospitality to a traveller passing through, or to a friend in need. Apart from the fact that I am indebted for a while to everyone who has offered me hospitality during these 5 years of travelling, I can see at what point the western world has to learn from Latin America or the Middle East in this regard. Thank you, by the way, to and that made my tour of the world much easier and much more interesting.

Never again, will I buy products without thinking of the consequences of my act of buying. During the presentations that I gave in various schools and organizations, I often tried to promote fair trade and explained how to be a responsible consumer. "To buy is to vote." From now on, every time I buy a product, whatever it may be, I will ask myself the question ,"what kind of enterprise am I supporting ?"

Never again, will I fear starting out on a big project. The quote from Oscar Wilde, "Wisdom means to have sufficiently big dreams so as not to lose sight of them while pursuing them," is what pushed me to start out on this adventure, and it has proven itself to be the leitmotiv for me all along the way. Similarly, the quote from Dominique Glocheux, "Life is not a restaurant but a buffet, get up and serve yourself" always stayed with me, etched in my memory.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One baby to go please

So, what if we are one step closer to genetically engineer babies as we want them? I for one would like to take out my diseases, and other personal defects that I don't want for others.

Adding pupil-less eyes and/or white hair would be nice.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yet another "WtF?" moment

And now you know why Sega stopped making consoles.

Monday, May 12, 2008

News Feedback

So, finally we're in the news:

Congrats Pao, you were great in the interview!

Expertos señalan retos del país para innovar y crecer (it has some errors, but the reporter already replied to me that she'll write a note about it).


Friday, May 09, 2008


So, who's going to this year's Kamen?

Some people say entrances are very expensive, considering that it's only 1 day long... I'll end up going anyways, but it'll be very boring if none of my friends go...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Atlas for innovation

So, yesterday we were giving these away:


-Practically had to force them to receive the money to pay them
-Bad design of the hotel, there was a horrible wind current blowing the papers away
-Horrible service to help us organize the event (said it was impossible to close the doors to stop the wind currents)
-Horrible food: tuna on bread, palmito, and the WORST teriyaki I've ever had in my life
-No help at all to take out the stuff back to the cars

At least people did like the event, and hopefully will actually read the Atlas.

And thankfully the "president"'s bodyguards weren't jerks.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Why not marrying...

1. Boring speech from a priest who's never married
2. Dumb questions from that priest
3. Random idiots throwing rice in my eyes
4. Forced to dance first at a party
5. Some idiot might buy fireworks, and launch them in spite that everyone was indoors, and couldn't see them
6. Forced to meet people you don't care about, and probably won't see again