The organizers insisted that it was a conference, but it really was a chat.
Anyways, it was nice to see 10 different universities TTOs presenting and discussing their work on-line.
May his noodly appendage guide me through. Ramen
This week I'm on my first seasonal event of WoW: Noblegarden.
The event's quests are simple, the only problem is the amount of players competing to find the eggs. I doubt I'll finish all the achievements this year, but we'll see.
Casually, next week is Children's Week...
MtG finally learned how to do a webcomic, thanks to it, Elspeth is now my favorite MWSNBNPW.
Here it is.
Unsurprisingly, there's a bit of everything there, including things I want, badly, NOW.
I was going to complain about this Semana U compared to the ones of my student years, but the first parts of Reaper Man convinced me not to do so...
The worthless piece of rat-shit known as José Pablo Rojas Vargas strikes again, now his personal count of "accidental" deaths is 2.
And in less than a month he'll be looking for #3...
Just when Magic had been dead, nailed, and half buried for me, they do this to me.
In other news, I made my first alt character of WoW, a night elf hunter in Steamwheedle Cartel called Jurunela.
(Title taken from my friend Eid)
I'm SO tired of Eragon, not only is he a stupid moron who hasn't done anything to deserve everything that happens to him, but he gets the bonus of extended life and magical powers for doing nothing?
Murtagh instead... now THAT's a character I'd like to be the main guy of a series, and have a extended life.
Here you have it.
In other news, I'm a bit dissapointed that this is a better April Fool's joke than the one they actually did.
This is a must see for everyone out there.
Yesterday's April Fool's were so-so, kudos to Starcraft II's Terratron, and WoW's Pimp my mount.